Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Baby and the Bathwater

When you die the problems all go away, but then again so do the good bits. When things go terribly awry I guess you can console yourself that the bad parts are an inevitable companion to the good parts. Rejoice that you aren't dead, I guess. Here are the lyrics to my latest song about it.

Sex, like perspective, is harder to get the more you need it.
So when will we all get what we need?
Only in death when we don't need anything.

History repeats again and again unless you regret.
So when will we all lose our regret?
Only in death when we forget everything.

Sunshine is to rain what pleasure is to pain.
And when will we finally let go of pain?
Only in death when we don't feel anything.

I'm my mother's son and I pushed away because that's how it's done.
So when will all of our love return?
Only in death when we don't love anyone.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Big Red Flashing Nerd Sign

In Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee (probably the greatest programmer of all time. And by that I mean he could literally kick any programmer's ass) tells us that the greatest form is to have no form. You're just supposed to do what is perfect.

So what's the perfect language? To not care what language you're using, just program perfectly in whatever language you're using. I'm blowing my mind.